Savvy Texas shoppers can cut their electricty rate just by choosing the right plan.
How can I get flat pricing for my Dallas electricity plus a bill credit?
If your electricity consumption is normal, the Power Express #Quick12 plan may be the best option for you. It has the best 12-month rate in Dallas and offers a really nice bonus when you surpass 999 kWh in a billing cycle. Plus, the company prides itself on stellar customer service.
Everyone likes a predictable price, especially when the bill arrives in your mailbox like clockwork. That’s exactly what you get with #Quick12. You won’t see a rate increase for a full year. But if you break your contract, you will have to pay a $150 early termination fee. Though the flat rate of 11.8 cents/kWh is higher than the advertised price for many comparable Texas rates, there’s a nice perk once you consume 1,000 kWh in a billing cycle — a $65 bill credit.
Most months, it’s easy to reach this consumption. The average home uses about 1,200 kWh. Once you factor in the bill credit, you pay 5.3 cents at that magical 1,000 kWh mark.
For the extra savvy consumer, watch your consumption toward the end of the billing cycle to see whether it makes sense to ramp up your power usage. This makes it easy to throw in that extra load of laundry or crank down the air conditioner a few degrees. It could wind up saving you a few bucks!
Their payment system cuts your electric rate!
With this plan, it pays you to pay your electric bill with the Power Express AutoPay system. All payments that aren’t made through this system are charged $2. This little charge can add up over time. It pays to get in the habit of paying your electricity supplier through their proprietary system.
Average Texas Green
Like many retail providers in Texas, if you have solar panels, Power Express won’t buy back excess energy generation. While you can find more environmentally-conscious plans at higher rates in Dallas, the #Quick12 plan offers a competitive rate and still manages 16.5 percent renewable content.
Great Plan for the average Dallas home
Power Express promises to be completely transparent in pricing, to resolve problems within two business days, and to treat customers with respect and integrity. In fact, they’re willing to hand you a $30 Visa gift card if they fail to meet expectations in any of those three areas.
Overall, customers give the company good but not great ratings. Specifically, they are not keen on billing and account management. However, customers rank this energy provider highly in order experience and price.
If your energy consumption is like other Dallas families, this plan offers a special bonus for homes with average electricity usage. A generous bill credit drops your payment significantly when you consume power at an average rate. Power Express makes your satisfaction their top priority. They even lay money on the table if you aren’t happy, so how could you go wrong?