Choose a Wee Electric Plan in Dallas

by | Apr 1, 2022 | Industry News

Electricity-spotting the Best Deals in Dallas

oin us trainspotting an electric plan for your home in Dallas this April Fool's day!
Ye hev the power to choose! Choose your future. Choose life. Choose a family. Now, let’s choose a Wee Electric Plan in Dallas!

With apologies to Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh, author of “Trainspotting” —
Choose cheap electric plans. Choose the best providers. Choose fixed-rate contracts. Choose a low energy charge. Choose fur yer household. Choose renewable energy. Choose to save money on yer electric bill. Now, let’s go choose a wee electric plan in Dallas!

Ye hev the power to choose. An’ we can help ye use it.

Choose the Cheapest 12 Month Electric Deals in Dallas

Choose Come & Take It 12 from Energy Texas if ye want the best deal. That’s because it has a cheap electric rate o’ ainlie 12.3 cents. An’ this rate also includes the 7.57 cents per kWh energy charge, the $4.95 base charge, an’ the delivery charge as well. For that reason, if yer household usage is 1000 kWh per month, yer monthly electric bill shuid come to $123. Plus, it’s 100% renewable.

On the other hand, the Eagle 12 from TriEagle Energy is only a wee bit higher at a $127 monthly bill estimate. The 12.2 cents per kWh energy charge in this plan already includes the delivery charge, but it disnea include the $4.95 base charge. However, this product is ainlee 6% renewable.

Now, if ye lek TriEagle as a provider, but ye want 100% renewable energy, the cheapest option is Green Eagle 12. That’s because this plan has a rate o’ 13.2 cents per kWh, which brings ye a higher, $132 estimated monthly bill fur the same usage. If ye’re happy to pay $5 extra fur 100% renewable energy, Green Eagle 12 may be better fur ye than Eagle 12.

So unlek other cheap electric plans, Rhythm’s TX Breeze 12 plan disnea hev a base charge. However, a higher energy charge o’ 8.84 cents per kWh means that the average rate is still 13.1. So, that adds up to 1000 kWh usage an’ yer monthly bill wuid be $131.

The Cancellation Fee fur the Cheapest Fixed Rate Electric Plans

If ye decide to terminate yer contract early or switch to a new provider, ye may be liable to pay a cancellation fee.

When ye consider Come & Take It 12, the cancellation fee is a fixed $150. An’ fur both Eagle 12 an’ Green Eagle 12 the termination fee is $20 fur each remaining month left in yer contract. An’ fur TX Breeze 12, it’s $10 fur each remaining month if ye cancel after the first 90 days.

Whit Happens at the End o’ Yer Contract?

Afore the end o’ yer contract ye’ll receive a renewal notice from yer provider. This will highlight what yer options are an’ what happens if ye don’t renew. If ye don’t act, they’ll most leky move ye to their default renewal product, which may be mair expensive than a fixed-rate plan o’ yer choosing.

This is why ye cannea let yer provider switch you’se without shopping fur a cheap electric provider in the Oncor service area.

Spot the Best Electric Deals in Dallas

A wee bit o’ reseach can help ye score great savings on yer electric bill. That’s why we want to help ye shop fur the best electric plan fur yer household.

Visit to see yer options, compare the rates, an’ choose the perfect one fur yer home.

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