Curtains Can Cut Corpus Christi Cooling Costs!

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Industry News

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Curtains shade your rooms and cut cooling costs. Find out which windows treatments do the best job and save you money in Corpus Christi!
Cooling a room by closing the curtains seems shady but it’s probably the cheapest way to cut your AC usage. But do you know which window treatments do the best job? Let us unveil the facts to help you save on your summer electricity bills in Corpus Christi!

In Corpus Christi, TX, summer, having an AC is a Godsend. But, it takes a lot of energy to run it. Unfortunately, glass doesn’t insulate your home well. In fact, 20% – 30% of your heat loss and gain comes from your windows. Using curtains will help you cut your Corpus Christi cooling costs. These money-saving tips will keep your home at a comfortable temperature in the cheapest way possible.

Do Drapes Diligently Divert Direct Daylight?

While a lot of people use curtains and drapes interchangeably, they’re actually not the same. Curtains are fabric panels that hang from a rod in front of your window. They’re often decorative and made of lighter materials. Drapes on the other hand are thicker. They’re often lined and reach floor to ceiling height to block out any sunlight.

As a result, drapes are actually better to keep your home cool during the summer than curtains. Still, both curtains and drapes can save you money on your AC usage as long as you keep them closed.

Blinds Barely Block Brightness

Unlike drapes and curtains, blinds have plenty of holes and gaps where cool air can escape. This makes them a less-than-ideal way to insulate your windows. Still, when you close well-fitted blinds, they can create a layer of air between blinds and windows. That helps with insulating some during the summer and winter. But, with so many better and cheaper window treatments on the market, there are better options available.

Cooling Curtains Can Surge Some Savings

These energy-efficient window treatments and other easy tips are your best choices to cut down your unnecessary AC usage.

  1. Curtains or drapes: Curtains and drapes aren’t just decorative. They’re one of the cheapest ways to save money on your AC usage. Apart from blocking sunlight, they also keep a barrier between your window and your rooms, which insulate your home during the summer and the winter as well.
  2. Shades: While less ideal than curtains or drapes, shades are still better than no window treatment at all. Made from thinner fabric, shades can also block direct sunlight somewhat. 
  3. Window Films: You can buy specialized window film to apply directly to your glass that reflects sunlight. However, these are permanent fixtures. Changing your curtains is a lot easier than changing window film.
  4. Plants: Window treatments aren’t the only way to have shade in your home. Putting big plants in front of your windows can block some light and keep your rooms cooler. Plus, they effectively liven up any space.
  5. Ceiling Fan: If comfort is your primary concern, installing a ceiling fan may help you keep your AC usage down. The moving air can make you feel cooler, plus, operating a ceiling fan requires less electricity than an AC.
  6. AC Maintenance: Keeping your AC in tip-top shape is one of the best ways to save money on electricity during the summer. Our guide on AC maintenance has some great tips for you.

Curtains Conserve Cooling, Collect Cash

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