Best Energy Plans with Cheapest Rates for Dallas Apartments
The average size apartment in Dallas is 850 square feet. And the average Texas home consumes around 1000 kWh of energy each month. But if you live in an apartment, you probably don’t hit 1000 kWh of use often (if ever). So, you’ll want an energy plan that caters to smaller homes. But before we talk about the best energy plan for your Dallas apartment, we need to talk about how much energy you can expect to use.
Monthly Energy Usage for a Dallas Apartment
While the average home in Texas may use 1000 kWh in a month, the average apartment typically consumes 3 times less electricity. But this can vary greatly depending on the time of year, where your apartment is in the building (the higher up your apartment, the more energy it uses for cooling), and how energy efficient the building is.
One other important factor affecting your energy bill is that Texas is in a hot and humid region. As a result, roughly 27 percent of your annual energy use goes to cooling your home. With all this in mind, we can estimate that the average small apartment in Dallas uses around 500 kWh of energy each month.
What’s the Cheapest Long-Term Energy Plan for a Dallas Apartment?
Currently, TriEagle Energy offers Eagle 36, a 36-month fixed-rate electricity plan. There’s a base energy charge of 8.8 cents per kWh and a $4.95 base charge per billing cycle. Once you factor in the standard TDU charges, you’ll pay an average of 9.8 cents per kWh for 500 kWh of usage.
With a fee of $20 per month remaining in the contract, this is not a cheap early termination fee plan. That cost can add up quickly, so you’ll want to stay the full term. And this plan is only 15 percent renewable.
What’s the Best Renewable Energy Plan for Apartments in Dallas?
Solarize 36 from Chariot Energy offers a low energy charge of 5.5 cents per kWh. There’s also no base charge in this plan or any other charges outside the standard TDU charges. After all that is factored together, you’ll pay an average rate of 10 cents per kWh for 500 kWh of use.
Perhaps best of all, this plan is the perfect renewable energy option in Dallas for your apartment. Just keep in mind that the early termination fee is $15 per month remaining in the contract. So it’s best to go into the plan with the idea that you’re not going to switch to a new plan anytime soon.
Best Free Energy Plan for Small Apartments
Simple Power 12 from Frontier Utilities offers “free energy” for under 500 kWh of use. It’s “free” because even though you won’t pay for energy under 500 kWh of use, you will pay a $49.00 base charge, which is very high. And while you won’t start paying for energy until you’ve reached 500 kWh of use, your energy rate does increase to 16.6 cents per kWh afterward.
If you regularly use at or below 500 kWh of energy, then this plan would be a good fit for you. Overall, you’ll pay an average of 9.8 cents per kWh at 500 kWh of use. However, if you periodically go over 500 kWh, you may want to avoid this one as the energy rate is quite high. The early termination fee is $150, so be sure that this plan is right for you before signing up.
How Can I Make Shopping for Energy Plans Easier?
Whether you’re tired of your current energy plan or looking for a new one, you’ll want to compare electricity providers in Texas. But there are a lot of options out there. And if you want to get the most out of your power to choose, then you need to take advantage of the right tools.
We work hard to give you those tools and make choosing the perfect plan easy for you. Visit our homepage for more information on how to shop, compare, and switch electricity providers in your area.