Texas Electricity Ratings Blog
What’s Up with ONCOR? Maybe Your Rates!
There’s bad news for consumers seeking the best electricity rates in Dallas. ONCOR wants to raise its transmission and distribution rates on April...
Texas Spring Forecast
We’re already just a few weeks into spring and it looks like an early spring warm-up is coming to your area. While a warm spring might sound nice,...
Rate of the Week: Best Houston Green Electricity Plan
Houston Green Energy Best Green Energy Rate in Houston In this Texas electricity provider comparison, we will track down and highlight the best...
Rate of the Week: Best Green Electricity Plan in Dallas
In this Texas electricity providers comparison, we will determine the best Dallas Green Energy Rates in the metropolitan area. We have narrowed down...
Rate of the Week: Best Dallas Electricity Rate – 12 Month Rate
Our shopping entry for this segment will focus on the best Dallas electricity rates Dallas electricity rates for an average family residence. Once...
Winter’s Coming. Will Spring Electricity Prices Go Up?
Winter arrives on December 21. In Texas, winter will probably be over by noon. NOAA is forecasting that with the emergence of the weak La Niña this...
Texas Billing Scam Uncovered in…Virginia?
Cindy Reed lives in Fairfax, Virginia, near the Washington Beltway. She might be a thousand miles from Texas but since February, she’s been...
Trouble Ahead for Low Income Texas Electricity Customers?
The LITE-UP Texas program that helped 700,000 Texas households in 2015 ended with this past August’s bill. LITE-UP Texas doled out hundreds of...
Court Approves Sale of ONCOR
It’s costing NextEra an extra $300 million in cash and an agreement to pick up the debt and asbestos liabilities from the Texas electricity...
Energy Future Holdings Emerging from Chapter 11 in Near Future
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Sontchi gave approval in his Delaware courtroom this past Friday, August 26 for Energy Futures Holdings to...