Moving? Switch Your Electric supplier in 9 Easy Steps

by | May 20, 2022 | Industry News

Changing Your Electric Provider When You Move

Switching your Texas electric supplier isn't always clear. Check out our guide with 8 easy steps!
Confused by switching your Texas electric supplier when you move? Let our guide in 9 Easy Steps show you what you need to know to get you on the road.

Moving is always stressful. Whether you’re moving across town or across Texas, you’re bound to have a million to-do’s. And one of these is changing your electric supplier.

This 9 step guide can help you tackle switching electricity providers and signing up for a new plan when you’re moving. 

1. Know Your Current Electric Plan’s Term Length

Before you do anything, make sure you know your plan’s term length. Calculate changing your plan or provider with how many months you have left on your contract.  

If your contract with your electric supplier ends at around the time of your move, you’re lucky. You can immediately jump to Step 5. However, if the end of your term falls after your move date, you need to check your contract’s termination agreement.

2. Does Your Electric Supplier Operate Where You’re Moving to?

Generally, there’s no termination fee if the reason you’re changing your plan is a move. However, you may be liable to pay a termination fee if your current provider operates in your new service area, and you still want to end your plan.

That’s why checking if your electricity provider operates in the area you’re moving to is a good idea.

3. Notify Your Provider

The next step is to let your provider know that you’re moving. If they don’t offer electricity in your new home, they’ll ask for proof of your move before waiving the termination fee. This proof can be a bank statement or a similar official document that has your name and new address on it. 

4. Terminate Your Electric Plan

You can find the details on how you need to terminate your plan in your contract.

5. Look for a New Electric Supplier

Now the fun begins! If your previous electric supplier didn’t operate in your new service area, you can choose a new provider for your home.

Compare and choose the best electric plans based on rates, term length, and special offers. While it’s easy to get lost between all the different plans, our goal is to help you find the best one for you.

Visit to search for and compare electricity plans in Texas, and find the right one for your energy needs.

6. Compare Electric Supplier Term Lengths and Rates

While some plans have competitive rates, other may have offers like getting you free weekends, or give you a 50% discount on summer and winter months.  

Remember, the shoulder months of April and October generally have lower electric rates thanks to the mild weather. So, if your new plan ends at around that time of year, you can get a better deal.

7. Think Green

Arguably, the electric rate and the term length are the most crucial parts of any plan, you can also keep your environmental impact in mind.

Texas is increasingly green-friendly, with renewable energy currently at 25% statewide. Choosing a green electric plan is better for the planet. 

8. Sign Up for the Best Plan for You

Once you chose the best plan for your household, you can sign up for it. You have successfully moved houses and changed your electric provider!

9. Periodically Browse Rates and Plans

Electric rates are constantly changing. The best way to save money on your electric bill in the long run is to compare plans and rates. 

So, it’s a great idea to keep informed on the Texas energy market news with our blog. Plus, read reviews, browse plans, and find new deals and plans in your area with our search tool.

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