Compare TXU Energy Plans, and Rates to Save

cheapest TXU Energy Electricity rates and plans in Texas
12 Month Tiered Rate
14.9 ¢ effective rate per kWh

Clear Deal 12

  • 12
  • monthsmo.
  • Avg. BillAvg.
  • $149
Plan Details
  • Early Termination Fee: $150
  • Monthly Recurring Charge: $9.95
  • tiered-rate
  • 12 Months
(Note: The Early Termination Fee will not be charged if you end your contract early because you are moving out.)
Pricing Details
Monthly Usage 500 kWh 1000 kWh 2000 kWh
Estimated Bill $97 $149 $374
Average Price Per kWh 19.300¢ 14.900¢ 18.700¢
Rates as of Mar 24, 2025 at 02:35 PM

Our Take on TXU Energy

Our Rating:
How We Rate

We aggregate data from multiple sources, including our customer reviews, rates, Public Utility Commission statistics, JD Power ratings, Better Business Bureau, and surveys.

TXU is one of the original incumbent Texas electricity companies, Originally servicing the Dallas Fort Worth and North Texas areas. Now, TXU is a state wide premium brand. And with a premium brand comes premium pricing. Generally TXU's rates are 20% higher than the going market rate.

TXU Energy is one of the dominant Retail Electricity Providers in Texas serving over 1.7 million Texans. TXU is owned by Vistra Energy (NYSE: VST), based in Dallas, Texas. Vistra Energy owns and operates TXU Energy, Dynegy, Ambit Energy, Express Energy, 4Change Energy and Public Power. Vistra Energy is also an investor/owner in

As one of the top 5 largest Texas Electricity Companies, TXUs size makes it a large target for angry customers. We recognize and adjust for this in our rankings, while leaving individual customer reviews to stand on their own.

TXU Energy serves as the Texas focused Premium Brand, while Express and 4Change energy serve as value based flanking brands. TXUs position as a premium brand means their rates are generally 20% higher than the market average.
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TXU Energy Customer Reviews

TXU Energy Ratings
Overall Rating
Average Rating
1.4/5 of 474 Reviews
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Likely to Recommend

TXU Energy Electricity Plans

Houston - Centerpoint Service Area Plans

Plan Term Rate
Clear Deal 12 12/months 14.9¢/kWh
Clear Deal 24 24/months 15.9¢/kWh
Solar Value 12 12/months 16.5¢/kWh
Simple Rate 12 12/months 17.6¢/kWh
Flex Forward 1/months 17.9¢/kWh
Ultimate Season Pass 12 12/months 18.1¢/kWh
Free Nights & Solar Days 12 (8 pm) 12/months 18.5¢/kWh
Season Pass 12 12/months 18.6¢/kWh
Live Your Free 12 12/months 18.7¢/kWh
Solar Saver 12 12/months 20.7¢/kWh
Saver's Discount 12 12/months 20.7¢/kWh
Saver's Discount 24 24/months 22.0¢/kWh
Rates as of Mar 24, 2025 at 02:35 PM

Dallas - Oncor Service Area Plans

Plan Term Rate
Clear Deal 12 12/months 15.5¢/kWh
Clear Deal 24 24/months 16.5¢/kWh
Solar Value 12 12/months 16.9¢/kWh
Flex Forward 1/months 18.0¢/kWh
Simple Rate 12 12/months 18.2¢/kWh
Season Pass 12 12/months 18.6¢/kWh
Ultimate Season Pass 12 12/months 18.6¢/kWh
Free Nights & Solar Days 12 (8 pm) 12/months 18.9¢/kWh
Live Your Free 12 12/months 19.2¢/kWh
Solar Saver 12 12/months 21.0¢/kWh
Saver's Discount 12 12/months 21.0¢/kWh
Saver's Discount 24 24/months 22.2¢/kWh
Rates as of Mar 24, 2025 at 02:35 PM

Lubbock - LPL Service Area Plans

Plan Term Rate
On Your Terms 1/months 15.9¢/kWh
Simple Rate 12 12/months 16.4¢/kWh
Ultimate Season Pass 12 12/months 17.9¢/kWh
Free Nights & Solar Days 12 (8 pm) 12/months 18.4¢/kWh
Season Pass 12 12/months 18.9¢/kWh
Rates as of Mar 24, 2025 at 02:35 PM

TXU Energy Plan Analysis

Simple Rate 12

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Fixed Rate

TXU's Simple Rate 12 plan is a fixed rate plan. What that means is that the kWh rates between the usage levels of 500, 1000, and 2000 are pretty close together, so there won't be any big bill fluctuations based on usage. Unfortuantely, the Energy Charge on this plan is still extremely high, 25% higher than some other's weve seen, and the rate in question doesn't seem in include transportation fees from the utility. What that adds up to is almost certainly an exremely high bill every month. The plan also has a very high monthly recurring charge of $9.95 a month, which is pretty standard for TXU. There are similar plans on the market for much, much cheaper.
This is a flat rate, so there won't be any big bill surpsies month to month.
This plan is still expensive, so in some ways, the bill will be an unpleasant surprise every month.

Clear Deal 24

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 24 Months
Plan Type: Tiered Rate

Honestly, this plan looks pretty similar to TXU's Saver's Discount 24 plan. They're both 24 month plans, and they both have bill credits. The Clear Deal 24 plan's bill credit is also $30, but it kicks in at a usage of 800 kWh, as opposed to 1200. The Energy Charge is still extremely high, however, so you'll find to squint to find any savings from the bill credit. The plan also has a $9.95 base monthly charge, and the plan doesn't include any TDU delivery charges. It's a 2 year plan, so you won't have to worry about any market pricing volatility for awhile, but locking in at high rates doesn't seem all that attractive, either.
This plan has a bill credit.
Even with a bill credit, this plan is expensive.

Flex Forward

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 1 Months
Plan Type: Month-to-Month

TXU's Flex Fowrad Plan is TXU's month-to-month/variable electricity plan option. Most electricity companies have a month-to-month plan. The benefits of this plan are that there is no contract, therefore no cancellation fees. The downside is your rate can fluctuate month-to-month by the provider, and that adjustment is rarely, if ever, cheaper. The risk is you can pay double the rate from month to month before you even notice.
This plan has no contract and no cancellation fee.
This plan's rates can fluctuate month-to-month, sometimes substantially.

Free Nights & Solar Days 12 (8 pm)

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Fixed Rate

TXU's Free Nights & Solar Days 12 plan is one of an increasingly popular kind of Texas electricity plan we call Time of Use. In this instances, the energy in a household is "free" for a certain window of time, usually at night, and customers pay a higher energy charge during the rest of the time. This is a good plan for folks who, say, drive an electric vehicle and schedule their charging to happen in the middle of the night, or for technical people who will heat or cool their home during the night and raise their thermostat during the daytime hours. That being said, even by Time of Use standards, this plan is still very expensive with an exremely high energy charge during the non-free time windows. It's also one of the TXU plans with a very high monthly base charge of $9.95.
This plan has a window of free energy that's good for heating and powering homes
This plan is still expensive.

Saver's Discount 24

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 24 Months
Plan Type: Tiered Rate

Where to start with TXU's Saver's Discount 24 plan? There's a lot going on here. For starters, it's a fixed rate, with a bill credit $30 at 1200 kWh of usage. But the Energy Charge is extremely high, so there really aren't much in the way of savings, even if you hit the bill credit. It's a two year contract, so you don't have to worry about price volatility for awhile, but at the same time, this rate is not competitive so locking in might not be the best idea anyway.
This plan has a bill credit
This plan is still extremely expensive

Clear Deal 12

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Tiered Rate

Honestly, this plan Is just the 12 month version of the Clear Deal 12 plan from TXU. Same Bill Credits, same thresholds, just a different term and different cancellation fee. The Clear Deal 12 plan's bill credit is also $30, and kicks in at a usage of 800 kWh. The Energy Charge is still extremely high, however, so unless you're the owner of a small home who doesn't use too much electricity, the plan rate will feel high. The plan also has a $9.95 base monthly charge, and the plan doesn't include any TDU delivery charges.
This plan has a bill credit.
Even with a bill credit, this plan is expensive.

Solar Value 12

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Tiered Rate

This TXU plan has a bill credit at 800 kWh usage, but the energy charge is so high it might not feel like much of a discount. Additionally, there is a $9.95 monthly recurring charge, and a $150 cancellation fee. It is an environmentally friendlly plan, utilizing 100% green energy, so customers can feel good about having a low carbon footprint and being good to mother earth.
This plan has a $30 Bill Credit and uses 100% green energy.
This plan is more expensive than the market average.

Season Pass 12

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Fixed Rate

TXU's Season Pass 12 is pretty interesting. The service windows are are Dec 1st through February 28 and June 1st through August 31st. During those specific months, the Energy Charge of this plan is 50% what it is during the other months, or "seasons," hence the plan name. The idea here is that customers will have cheaper energy during the hottest and coldest months of the years, and they'll pay more during the more mild seasons. This should, in theory, generally even out a customer's bill over the course of the year. It's an interesting concept. Of course, the question is if this is any different than just a fixed rate plan, which might offer the same benefit. The starting energy charge on this plan is still very high, but the 50% discount during the Seasonal months makes the charge pretty competitive. It's a 12 month plan with a $150 cancellation fee and a $9.95 monthly charge.
Drastically Reduced Energy Charges during the Winter & Summer.
Really high Energy Charges during the Autumn and Spring.

Saver's Discount 12

Our Rating:
Plan Term: 12 Months
Plan Type: Tiered Rate

TXU's Saver's Discount 12 is a plan being offered by TXU? It's a fixed rate plan, with a bill credit $30 at 1200 kWh of usage. But the Energy Charge is extremely high, so there really aren't much in the way of savings, even if you hit the bill credit. It's a one year contract, so you aren't hedging against market pricing volatility for very long, but at the same time, this rate is not competitive so you're not avoiding market volatility for long, nor are you saving money.
This plan has a bill credit
This plan is still expensive