Rate Analyzer - Want to find out how your plan stacks up?

By entering your EFL info below, we can inject your plan rate structure into our Bill Calculator engine and show you how your rate and bill will look at different usage amounts.

Understanding Your EFL

Your Electricity Facts Label (EFL) is a document that details what you will actually be charged for your electricity plan. The "Average Rates" you see are calculations at 500, 1000, and 2000 kwh based on the charges described in the EFL. The EFL will tell you exactly how much you pay your electric company, your utility, and when those charges/credits become available.

EFL Key Terms

  • TDU (Utility/TDSP) Fees also known as Transmission and Distribution charges, are fees charged by your utility. Most plans and companies pass these fees through on your bill. These fees ARE included in your average rates.
  • Energy charges are the cents you will pay your electricity provider per kWh of usage.
  • Bill credits are amounts your electric company will remove from your bill when you use a certain amount of kWh in a billing cycle. Some plans have multiple credits at different thresholds. The credit may only be applicable between 500 and 1000 kwh, or only if you use over 2000 kwh.

How to Calculate Your Rate

Basic Plans are fairly easy to calculate. First you find out your total energy charges, which include both the electric company energy charge and applicable TDU energy charge.

kwh charges = (company energy charge + TDU kwh charge) ?- kwh used

Then you need to find your total base charges. Your electricity company may or may not have one, and it could depend on your usage amount. Your TDU will always have a base charge which will most likely be passed through on your bill.

period charges = (company base charge + TDU base charge)

If your plan doesn't have any bill credits or a tiered rate, you can now find your bill amount (before taxes and GRT):

bill = (kwh charges + period charges)

If your plan has bill credits, and your kwh used is within the min and max:

bill = bill - (applicable bill credits)