12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring Reviews & Rates | Order Online

12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring is a 12 month bill credit electricity plan from Constellation with rates from 14.4 to 20.0 cents per kWh.

Constellation's 12 Month Residential Fixed Rate With Usage Bill Credit and A/C Protection for ` Unit, is a pretty standard Bill Credit plan, where customer's are eligible for bill credits depending on their monthly usage. The plan also has coverage for 1 A/C unit. While similar to other Constellation Bill Credit plans, all of the extra coverage for customers really benefit small or medium sized home-owners who need just 1 A/C untit. So that's the kind of customer who should purchase this plan.

The Monthly Recurring Charge is 0.00, and the Early Termination Fee is 150.

cheapest Constellation Electricity rates and plans in Texas

Rates by City

Dallas Houston
Rate @500kwh 19.2¢ 18.3¢
Rate @1000kwh 15.3¢ 14.4¢
Rate @2000kwh 16.0¢ 15.2¢
Monthly Recurring Charge 0.00 0.00
Early Termination Fee 150 150
Electricity Facts Label EFL EFL
Your Rights as a Customer YRAAC YRAAC
Terms of Service TOS TOS

Rates for the 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring plan vary by region, due to different infrastructure configurations in various areas. Find your nearest major city, and click 'Check Availability' to verify your address can be served.

Texas law requires that Constellation present three 'average' rates to the user, telling you the average cost per kWh at three usages: 500 kWh per month, 1000 kWh per month, and 2000 kWh per month.

12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring Review

Pros and Cons

Pro: Bill Credits & Warranties Cons: Not the Cheapest Plan

Our Review

Constellation's 12 Month Residential Fixed Rate With Usage Bill Credit and A/C Protection for 1 Unit is a decent plan for customers with small or medium homes and just one A/C unit. The plan comes with warranty style coverage for some percentage of the unit if they were to be replaced. The plan itself doesn't have bad rates, and the bill credits at 1,000 kWh and 2,000 kWh help keep the total bill costs down. For high energy consomption users, this plan makes sense for folks looking for some peace of mind around waranty coverage for their home A/C units.

Who should buy this plan

Constellation's 12 Month Residential Fixed Rate With Usage Bill Credit and A/C Protection for ` Unit, is a pretty standard Bill Credit plan, where customer's are eligible for bill credits depending on their monthly usage. The plan also has coverage for 1 A/C unit. While similar to other Constellation Bill Credit plans, all of the extra coverage for customers really benefit small or medium sized home-owners who need just 1 A/C untit. So that's the kind of customer who should purchase this plan.

Special Features

Multiple Bill Credits HVAC breakdown coverage

More Details

Constellation's 12 Month Residential Fixed Rate With Usage Bill Credit and A/C Protection for 1 Units is a 1 year, or 12 month, bill credit electricity plan. The plan has monthly bill credits of $35 for greater than 1,000 kWh of usage, and another $15 in bill credits for usage past 2,000 kWh. The plan has no monthly recurring charge, and an early termination fee of $150, which is not bad for a 1 year plan. The plan also comes with some coverage for the home's A/C units in case of breakdowns

Plan Feature Summary

This table summarizes the plan features of 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring.

Plan Features Has feature
Fixed Energy Charge
Bill Credits
Even Billing
Free Energy
Renewable Green Energy
Solar Buyback
Pre-paid/No Deposit
Requires Paperless
Smart Thermostat

Who Should Buy 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring

We recommend 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring for customers in the categories listed below:

Plan Suitability
Good For EV Charging
Good For Apartments
Good For Average House
Good For Large House
Good For Homeowners
Good For Renters

How To Order

SIgning up for 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring is easy and only takes a few minutes. Click the 'Check Availability' button for the area you live in, and you can complete the order online in our secure cart.

To order 12Mo Usage Bill Credit + A/C Protection for 1 Unit and HVAC Monitoring by phone, contact Constellation at 855-798-9075

You do not have to contact your existing provider to cancel service. Constellation will take care of all the details to start your service.

Other Plans from Constellation

Compare these other plans.

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12 Month GREEN Usage Bill Credit 12 Months Great Bill Credits at 1k and 2k usage, 100% Green Energy
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24 Month A/C Protect Plus for 2 Units 24 Months
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36 Month A/C Protect Plus for 2 Units 36 Months